Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wilson Dam, Florence AL

Saturday we went to the Wilson Dam... Shady, windy and COOOOOOOLD!!! LOL
(not 'bad', for pics from my phone.. eh?) :)

As we walked down the trail, seeing the magnificent splendor of man's formation and the trillions of gallons of water cascading from the dam walls on our left.... on our right was a 'different' kind of splendor... :) even 'more' beautiful... the conception of God... bubbling forth from streams and waterfalls protruding from the mammoth walls of rock :) :) :)

would be neat to take an adventure 'inside'.... not sure how far it goes.. but would be neat :)

the end of the trail.... :) a BEAUTIFUL CLIMACTIC PRESENTATION!!! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

the captivating splendor of nature... mixed w/ a lil 'fun'...!!!! :)

I don't think that there is anything more enchanting or tranquil... than the captivating beauty and simplicity of nature... that which demands respect and yet courts such elegance and grace... rather charming!! :) don'tchya think?! :) :) :)

So... this flirting flame and a previous glance in a 'hidden realm' of 'treasure' sparked a GREAT IDEA!!!! :) :) :) :) (ha, no pun intended... lol- just 'caught' that lol)

The dancing flames simmered down to just the 'perfect' atmosphere to relish in creating the evening's delightful 'treat'!!

I had never seen such an enormous roasting scewer before...!!! The 'hidden treasure' too was 'xtra large'!!So, they paired quite nicely... :)

and we had unmistakably scrumptious results!!! :)

A rather sticky, but very 'sweet' way to end the day... :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The offical pics--- in LARGE... :)

The official pics... again....
but this time, posted in LARGE.... I tried to see if it would be 'better' to upload them in LARGE instead of SMALL... they were a LOT harder to manage (organize)... but i am glad i already 'did' it (made the small version) beforehand so i knew the 'order' i wanted them in... but anyway... but some of the pics STILL came out really small.. like i said... it was the size it was taken in... so I'm sorry...but maybe this is a tad better??? (for the rest of the pics anyway) ENJOY! :) :) :)

the dress....

the "fluffing" of the dress... to make it 'lay' right... as she walked...

"OH, MY!" (don't 'show' to much... ;) lol)

"Cinderella's shoes"

Did the best man forget the ring!!!?!?!?!?!!? "uh-oh"!!! ;)

Bride and groom.....

The bride is now ready.... :)


The guest book....

The center peices.....

The bride's bouquet....

LOVE this pic of her and dad... I LOVE the facial expressions!! Jayme is in TEARS of happiness!! :)


Bridesmaid's speech....

Best man speech... was saying he was glad that this day came so it would take away all the 'confusion' of Donte and him... cuz they were 'inseparable' best friends....

I pray for the food...

First dance....

Dad's dance...

Very cute pics :) :)

They 'finally' leave.... ;) lol

Now for some formal pics... the bride and groom and others....

bride and groom....

The bride...

beautiful!!! :)

Runaway bride lol

Run away groom... lol

The family group pics....

Donte's family

Donte's mom and biological brother

Jayme's drama teacher -- the one like a mom to her...

Mom and dad

dad and holly

'our' family

Donte's gparents...

Our grandparents

us before the wedding :)

it's a lil over exposed but not bad... :)

i doooo love this one :) :) :) :)

but this is my all-time favorite :) :) :)
the 'lighting' is just BEAUTIFUL... and so are THEY (my sisters)!!! :)